søndag den 29. april 2012

OOTD - 50'ies Cocktail Party

Hej med jer,

(English below)

I fredags var der cocktail party hjemme hos mig. Vi havde bestemt at der skulle være et tema; 50'erne. Jeg besluttede mig til at gå efter det søde, pæne husmoder look med en blomstret sommerkjole med indbygget tylskørt.

On Friday, I had a cocktail party at my house. We had decided that it was going to bee themed; the 50'ies. I decided to go for a pretty housewife look with a floral dress with a build in tulle under skirt. 

 Meadow dress - Monsoon (last year, but you can most likely find it on ebay) // Coral cardigan - Red Herring // Coral tights - Ebay // Green shoes - Marta Johnsson // Silver clutch - Monsoon // Pearl bracelets - H&M // Pearl necklace - Pilgrim

 Jeg valgte at snyde lidt og smide lidt moderne colourblocking ind ;-) Et rigtigt 50'er outfit ville nok have haft hudfarvede nylonstrømper på, men sådan nogle har jeg det meget svært med og jeg synes det var lige koldt nok til bare ben. Jeg synes at de koralfarvede tights virker rigtigt godt med de grønne sko.

I probably cheated a bit by sneaking a little modern colour blocking into the outfit ;-) A real 50'ies outfit would probably have included skincoloured nylon pantyhose, but I really don't like wearing those and I thought it was a little to cold to go bare legged. And I really think the coral thights look great with the green shoes.

Det var sådan en sjov aften, med masser af retro pindemadder, cupcakes (tak Rikke!), bobler, fine drinks og søde mennesker.

It was such a great night with lots of retro fingerfoods, cupcakes (thanks Rikke!), bubbles, pretty drinks and good people. 

 Mmm bubbles ;-)

 Bubbles and fingerfoods

 Cosmopolitan and Red Velvet cupcakes

Bloggers and models: (from top left) Tanja, Line (plussize model), Rikke, me, Kecia (plussize model), Stine (plussize model)


torsdag den 26. april 2012

OOTD - Girly pastels

Hej med jer,

(English below)

Endnu et outfit i min lille key trend serie. Denne gang har jeg fokuseret på den mintgrønne nederdel fra H&M. Jeg besluttede mig for at gå all in på pasteller og har skabt et outfit der er en del mere girly og cupcake-agtigt end jeg vist har været i ført siden jeg var barn :-) Men jeg kan faktisk meget godt lide det.

Another outfit from my little key trends series. This time I have focused on the mint green pencil skirt from H&M. I decided to go all in on the pastels and have created an outfit that is quite a bit more girly and cup cakey than I have worn since I was a kid :-) But I kind of like it.

Mint pencil skirt - H&M // Mint lace top - H&M // pink and silver cardigan - By Malene Birger (ca. 4 years ago) // Silver sandals - Oasis // Silver clutch - Monsoon Accessorize // Pink necklace - Monsoon Accessorize

Ok, nederdelen er vist en smule mere gennemsigtig end jeg havde regnet med/set i spejlet, må se hvad jeg kan gøre ved det.

The skirt is a bit more see through than anticipated, didn't realize that in the mirror. Must try and see what I can do about that. 

Jeg synes næsten det ligner en kjole når man tager cardiganen af pga. det tone-i-tone look som de mintgrønne dele giver.

For at understrege det pigede look valgte jeg den populære ballerina knold. Den er superlet at sætte, hvis man køber en hårdonut ;-)

It almost looks like a dress without the cardigan due to the tone-in-tone look that the two mint green separates make.

To emphasize the girly look I went with the popular ballerina bun. It is so easy to do if you have a hair donut ;-)

Hvordan vil du bruge pasteller her til sommer? Er du klar til at gå all in eller satser du mere på pastelfarvede accessories?

How do you want to use pastels this summer? Are you ready to go all in or do you go for pastel accessories instead?


tirsdag den 24. april 2012

OOTD - Nude and neon

Hej med jer,

(English below)

Her er det første outfit in min "Getting ready for summer - key trends 2012" serie. Det er de neongule jeans fra Love Label der er i fokus. For at fremhæve jeans'ne mest muligt har jeg sat dem sammen med hvid og nude. Jeg synes det giver en fin kontrast, helt anderledes end når man sætter en masse andre pangfarver sammen med neon.

Here is the first outfit in my "Getting ready for summer - key trends 2012" series. It is the neon yellow jeans from Love Label that is the main focus of the outfit. To make the jeans stand out I have put them together with white and nude. I think it gives a great contrast, totally different than when you mix with other bright colours.

Neon yellow (called "Lime" at the website) - Love Label @ Very.com // Nude assymetrical biker jacket - Gap (last summer's collection) // white ruffle top - HM (last summer's collection) // Beige wedges - Steve Madden // Stone bag - Liebeskind Berlin @ Wardow.com // Multi couloured bead bracelet - Odd Molly

Jeg er virkelig vild med disse jeans, selvom de måske lige er vilde nok til jobbet ;-) De er også ret tricky at style synes jeg, for jeg vil helst bevare et moderne udtryk og ikke falde tilbage i 80'erne. Jeg synes man bedst bevarer det moderne look ved at bruge neon sammen med beige og nude farver eller med pasteller (sart lyseblå, lyserød, osv) eller med grå. Sort er, efter min mening, lidt for hård en kontrast.

I really love these jeans, even though they are probably not quite right for the office ;-) They are a little bit tricky to style, because I would really like to keep the look modern and not fall back in an 80'ies colour fest. I think you can best keep the modern look by using neon with beige and nude colours or with pastels (pale baby blue, softe pink/rose, etc.) or with greys. Black is in my opinion a little too hard a contrast.

Hvordan styler du med neon?

How do you style your neon pieces?


søndag den 22. april 2012

Getting ready for summer - Key trends 2012

Hej med jer,

(English below)

I de kommende dage har jeg valgt at tage en lidt anden tilgang til dagens outfit. Normalt viser jeg kun outfits som jeg rent faktisk har haft på, men jeg har planlagt et par outfits til jer idag, som jeg ikke har haft på (endnu) men ville have haft på, hvis det havde været sommer og sol :-)

Grunden til at jeg har valgt dette er at sæsonen i Danmark er sådan at man normalt køber sit sommertøj i februar-april, når de nye S/S kollektioner kommer, men får ikke mulighed for rigtigt at bruge det før langt op i juni, pga. vejret. Så når man bladrer bloggene igennem i juni, juli og august, så er tøjet jo for længst udsolgt. Så nu for I chancen for at være lidt på forkant og snuppe et (efter min mening) par key items/key trends, som jeg i hvert fald har tænkt mig at bruge en del her når det bliver lidt varmere.

Hi guys, 

So the next couple of days I have chosen to take a slightly other approach to the outfit of the day. Normally I only show outfits that I actually have worn, but I have planned a couple of outfits for you today that I have not worn (yet) but definitely would have, had the weather agreed :-)

The other reason why I have chosen this approach is that the season in Denmark is a little odd. Normally you buy you summer wardrobe in February-April, when the new S/S collections come out, but you do not get the opportunity to wear it before mid to late June because of the weather. And so when you flick through the fashion blogs in June, July and August, what you see is long sold out. So now I wanted to give you a chance to scoop up a couple of (in my opinion) key items/key trends, before they sell out. And I will definitely be wearing all of these as soon as the weather allows it!  

Jeg har valgt at fokusere på to forskellige underdele som jeg har mixet og matchet lidt med. De kommer begge fra to af sommerens store trends: pasteller og neon.

I have chosen to different bottoms which I have mixed and match to reflect the key trends this summer. The pieces are in the catagories, candy pastels and neon.  

Candy pastels

Min inspiration til pasteller kommer helt sikkert fra den smukke Louis Vuitton kampagne for deres S/S 12 kollektion. 

My inspration for pastels comes from the beautiful Louis Vuitton campaign for their S/S 12 collection. 

Louis Vuitton, Sweet as Candy campaign SS12

Den underdel jeg har valgt til at skabe dette look er en mintgrøn pencil nederdel fra H&M.

The piece I have chosen to create this look is a mint pencil skirt from H&M. 

Mint pencil skirt - H&M (straight sizes, if you loose the belt, it is stretchy enough)


Neon-trenden er jo ikke helt ny, den har vi set de sidste par sæsoner. Men jeg må indrømme at jeg skulle altså lige bruge et stykke tid til at se den an (husk på at jeg allerede HAR gået i neon én gang før i slut-firserne ;-)). Men her til sommer er den altså ikke længere til at komme udenom. Se f.eks. hos Nanette Lepore.

The neon trend is not exactly brand new, it has been around for the past couple of seasons. But I must admit, I have really needed some time to consider it (remember I DID already wear neon once before, in the late 80'ies ;-)). But this summer it is really not possible to ignore anymore. See it for instance at Nanette Lepore. 

Nanette Lepore - SS12 runway

Den underdel jeg har valgt at fokusere på i neon kategorien er et par neongule jeans fra very.com. De er desværre udsolgt i en str. 48 på very.com (sikkert efter at man kunne se dem på hende her). Men måske man stadig kan være heldig på et af very.com's søstersider.

The bottom in the neon catagory I have chosen to focus on is a couple of neon yellow jeans from very.com. They are unfortunately sold out in the largest size (UK20/US18) on very.com (probably after this girl showed them off). But you might be lucky at some of the very.com sister sites.

 Neon yellow ankle grazers - South @ Very.com

Check ind den næste uges tid, hvor jeg vil poste et par outfits indenfor hver kategori. Jeg har forsøgt at fokusere på ting, der stadig kan fås i butikkerne eller online.

So stop by the next week or so, where I will be posting a couple of outfits in each category. I have tried to focus on pieces there are still available either in stores or online. 


torsdag den 19. april 2012

Swimwear for your curves

 Hej med jer,

(English below)

Dette indlæg skal handle om badetøj til plus size kvinder. Jeg er godt klar over at mange af os ikke er ovenud begejstrede for tanken om at flashe vores blegfede, appelsinhud og muffintoppe på en strand eller ved en pool, men når nu det skal være, så skal vi da også se ordentlig ud, ikke? Og som med alt andet beklædning vil jeg påstå at det handler om attitude og selvtillid. Jeg synes ikke man skal føle sig tvunget til at gemme sig væk i en blomstret mormor badedragt og en sarong (i det øjeblik man rejser sig fra solsengen, ja, jeg er sikker  på I ved hvad jeg mener ;-)) eller værre endnu, sidde på stranden fuldt påklædt, bare fordi man ikke ligner en Sports Illustrated bikini model!

Det er selvfølgelig ikke alle der er kommet til en overenskomst med deres kroppe og stadig gerne ville dække det ene eller det andet og jeg har samlet nogle forskellige muligheder så der er noget for en hver smag. Jeg ved godt at det kan være rigtigt svært at finde noget pænt når man kommer over en str. 48-50 og det synes jeg virkelig er tarveligt! Men jeg har gjort mit bedste for at finde lidt til jer også (selvom I aldrig vil finde noget så frygteligt som en "badekjole" på denne blog!)

Jeg selv har besluttet at jeg er en bikini-pige. For jeg kan godt lide når min mave får lidt farve. Blæver er bare pænere med en tan ;-)

Hi guys, 

This post is all about plus size swim wear. I do realize that many of us are not thrilled about the thought of flashing our fat pale, cellulite and muffin tops on a beach or by a pool, but when we have too, why not do it in style! And as it is with all other clothing, swim wear is all about attitude and confidence. You should not feel shamed into hiding you body in a floral granny swinsuit and a sarong/cover up (in the instance you get up from the beach chair, yes, I know, you know what I am talking about ;-)) or even worse sit on the beach fully clothed, just because you do not look like a Sports Illustrated swim suit model!

I know it is not everybody that has come to accept their body as it is and still want to cover this and that and I have collected some different options for you as well. I know it can be very challenging to find anything remotely nice when you are above a size UK 20-22, US18-20, and that is really a shame! I have done my best though, to try and include you as well (although you will never find something as horrible as the "swimdress" on this blog!) .

Me, I have decided that I am a bikini girl. Because I like a little colour on my stomach. Blubber is a bit more attractive with a little tan ;-)


Selvom jeg tror fuldt og fast på at vi ikke skal stå tilbage for vores tynde medsøstre, så ER der altså ting der ikke er praktiske når man har en stor barm. Glem trekants-bikinien! Vi vil jo helst ikke flashe vores attributter på vej op af vandet, vel? Der skal altså lidt ekstra hold på tøserne.

Even though I am a firm believer that we can wear the same clothes as our skinny sisters, there ARE items that are simply not practical when you have a bigger bust. Forget about the triangle bikini! We don't want to flash the attributes on our way out of the water, right? We need some extra support for the girls. 

Lucille bikini - Panache (@ Asos or Figleaves.com) goes up to a size 38G/85H in the top and UK20/EU48 in the bottom. (This one is on its way to me ;-))  

Hvis du gerne vil have lidt mere dækning i mave- og numse-regionen, så vælg en shortsmodel eller en model der går lidt længere op i taljen a la Marilyn Monroe retrostilen.
If you do want a bottom that covers a little bit more in the bum and tummy area, go for a little short or a higher waisted model a la the Marilyn Monroe retro style. 

 Black and white bikini with high waisted "bum lifter" brief - Resort @ Very.com. Top goes up to 38F/85G, bottom goes up to a UK24/EU52

Cross over bandeau set -  Resort @ Very.com. Top and bottom as a set goes up to a size UK24/EU52.

 Polkadot bandeau bikini with shapewear shorts - Resort @ Very.com. Top goes up to a 38F/85G, bottom goes up to a UK24/EU52


Tankini'en er en hybrid mellem en bikini og en badedragt. Altså en bikini med en "tank top". De er gode, hvis man gerne vil dække maven og de kan ofte fåes som mix og match, så man kan vælge en tankinitop og en bikinitop til de samme trusser. Praktisk, hvis man synes det ene eller det andet er mere eller mindre passende i forskellige situationer :-)

The tankini is a hybrid between a bikini and a swimsuit. A bikini with a "tank top". They are good for covering up the tummy and you can often get them as a mix'n'match, so you can get a tankini top and a bikini top to match the same bottom. Practical if you think that one or the other is more/less appropriate in different situations. :-)

Mix & Match tankini top and shorts - Resort @ Very.com. Underwire top goes up to 40G-F/90G-H and short goes up to UK32/EU60

Magic loose an inch tankini set - Resort @ Very.com. Sold as a set, goes up to UK26/EU54.

 Blue floral shapewear tankini with tummy control shorts - Resort @ Very.com. Top goes up to 44F/100G. Bottom goes up to UK24/EU52



Badedragten er jo en klassisker. Den er gradvist kommet tilbage her de seneste par år og er nu ikke længere (kun) forbundet med ældre damer i svømmehallen med matchende badehætte. De er blevet meget mere sexede og har en fed retro vibe.

The swimsuit is a classic. It has gradually returned to the swimwear fashion over the past couple of years and now it is not (only) for elderly ladies at the pool with a matching cap. They are much more sexy now and with a great retro vibe.

"Dominica" Leopard Mesh Swimsuit - Monif C. Goes up to a UK26/EU54

"España" Ruffle Plus Size Swimsuit w/Detachable Strap - Monif C. Goes up to a UK26/EU54

"St. Tropez" Fuchsia Fringe Plus Size Swimsuit - Monif C. Goes up to a UK26/EU54.

 Magic loose an inch swimsuit - Resort @ Very.com. Goes up to a UK26/EU54

 Bandeau swimsuit - Resort @ Very.com. Goes up to size UK24/EU52

 Cover ups/beach wear

Selvom jeg er for at man ikke behøver at dække sig til i det øjeblik man rejser sig eller kommer op af vandet, så er det alligevel rart at have noget at tage over sig når man skal have frokost, hente en drink i strandbaren eller tilbage til hotellet.

Jeg foretrækker "almindeligt" tøj fremfor egentlige cover-ups som de der gennemsigtige tunikaer eller saronger. Så jeg har samlet et par ting, som jeg kunne forestille mig at bruge som cover-ups men lige så meget hvis man lige får lyst til at gå en tur ned i byen uden at gå hjem og skifte først. 

Even though I do not believe that you need to hurry up and cover yourself as soon as you get up or out of the water, it is still nice to have something to throw on when you go for lunch, to get a drink in the beach bar or go back to the hotel.

I prefer "regular" clothes over the actual cover-ups like the sheer tunics or sarongs. So I have collected a few pieces that I would use as cover-ups but also if you want to go for a walk in the town with out going home to change first. 

 Aqua jersey maxi dress - Asos Curve

 Blue rope tie jumpsuit - Asos curve

 Leopard print jersey playsuit - Asos Curve

 Lime green racer back maxi dress - South @ Very.com/littlewoodseurope.com

 Pink cheesecloth maxi dress - South @ Very.com/littlewoodseurope.com

Og så mangler man jo kun et par fine klip-klappere og en god strandtaske! ;-)

Hvordan har du det med at vise din krop frem på stranden? Hvilken type badetøj plejer du at vælge? Og hvad skal du have i år?

And now all you need is a pair of nice flip flops and a good beach bag! ;-)

How do you feel about showing your body at the beach? What type of swimwear do you usually go for? And what will you go for this year?


onsdag den 18. april 2012

OOTD - Snake and Ruffles

Hej med jer,

(English below)

Hvad skete der egentlig med vejret? Hvornår blev det lige vinter igen? Troede jeg havde sagt farvel til vinterstøvlerne og velkommen til bare tæer i forårsballerinaer og peeptoes. Men sådan skulle det altså ikke være. Suk...

Jeg fandt altså favoritstøvlerne frem, min beige strikkjole med flæser og mit slangeskindstørklæde. Dejligt varmt.

Hi guys, 

The weather is SO not working with me at the moment! I thought the days of winter boots was over and the days of bare feet in spring ballerinas and peeptoes where finally here, but no. Big sigh... 

So I broke out the favorite boots, my beige ruffle knit dress and my snakeprint scarf. Nice and warm.

Beige knit ruffle dress -  Part Two (straight size XL) // Black ELVO knee high boots - duoboots.com // Snakeprint scarf - Zara // Black blazer - Dorothy Perkins (ca. 5 years ago) // Cocktail ring - H&M // Charm bracelet - Kranz & Ziegler // Earrings (hardly seen but see them here) // Julie Sandlau

Jeg er rigtig glad få denne flæsekjole. Flæserne fjerner ligesom fokus fra maveregionen (på de dage hvor man føler sig ekstra oppustet ;-)) and strikken falder fint og tungt, selvom den er ret fin i det.

Læbestiften er ny. Jeg har besluttet at jeg SKAL prøve at gå med læbestift noget oftere, men jeg er virkelig ikke god til det. Jeg er meget dårlig til at blive ved med at komme nyt på så efter en enkelt kop kaffe er det mere eller mindre forsvundet. Læbestiften er fra Bare Minerals og hedder "Witty". Den var beskrevet som en vin/bærfarvetmen jeg synes den er lidt mørkere end jeg havde regnet med udfra billedet. Nåh, men jeg skal nok prøve at vænne mig til den.

Check in imorgen, hvor jeg har planlagt et indlæg om badetøj til jer (jeg drømmer mig pt væk til varmere himmelstrøg! ;-)).

I really like this ruffle dress. The ruffles removes focus from the tummy area (on those days where you are extra bloated ;-)) and the knit falls nice and heavy even though the knit is quite fine. 

The lipstick is a new purchase. I have decided that I MUST try and wear lipstick more often, but I am not very good at it. I am such a poor re-applier and so after one cup of coffee it is more or less gone. The lipstick is from Bare Minerals and is called "witty". It was described as a wine berry colour but I think it comes out a little darker than on the picture. Anyway, I shall try and get used to it.

Check in tomorrow where I have planned a swinwear post for you (I am dreaming my self away to warmer climates at the moment ;-)).
